Origin 64 bit windows 10
Origin 64 bit windows 10

What can this possibly be? Is it related to the Origin Client or some sort of compatibility issue of the game? The game is fully patched, with Pinnacle Station and Bring down the Sky DLCs installed. It can run most games at high details (Dishonored, Battlefield 3, Starcraft 2:WoL and HoTS Beta, Diablo 3 just to name some.) and the pirate version of the trilogy too (they launched, at least, didn't check for ME3 and 2 gameplay).

origin 64 bit windows 10

Tried both online and offline mode, with cloud storage enabled/disabled, with in game client enabled/disabled, compatibility mode with XP Service Pack 3, lower details and lower resolution from the game configuration. I can't debug anyhow, since Origin Client traps (and suppresses, I suppose) all warnings coming from the game. Today, after the purchase and download of the first game, the horrible happened: no sign of life whatsoever from the game. Over this weekend I tried one torrent for each game, to see if they would work and they did. Apparently today I made a huge mistake: I sold my Mass Effect games for Xbox360 to buy the digital trilogy for PC (I'm relocating and wanted to bring Shepard with me in the journey, just in case of sudden Reapers).

Origin 64 bit windows 10